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Incident Modelling Solutions & Consultancy now available in the UAE / Middle East.
Riskaware provides critical decision support to global government departments, environmental charities and science-led R&D partners.
Developed in partnership with government departments, their incident modelling solutions deliver actionable intelligence to key stakeholders mitigating security, environmental and biological threats.
Riskaware has more than 20 years’ experience in CBRN and HazMat situational awareness tools and decision support, and together with their partners they continuously develop and expand their capabilities.
Their work spans the four most critical domains for security and human challenges to society, including environmental, cyber and epidemiological threats.
UrbanAware is a leading CBRN/HazMat situational awareness and decision support tool for emergency response planning, impact mitigation and advanced training in urban environments. UrbanAware is underpinned by the HASP Suite tools, developed for Dstl, which provides hazard intelligence for robust incident assessment, simulation and prediction.
CBRN/HazMat threat modelling
Emergency response support and training
Hazard information management and delivery
Military defence intelligence
MarineAware is a marine incident modelling tool that helps organisations to detect and mitigate oil spills with the aim of protecting marine life and vulnerable coastlines, by providing critical situational awareness to support the creation of response strategies and the effective deployment of clean-up activities.
Forward oil dispersion modelling
Potential incident impact simulation
Source estimation and vessel identification
Hazardous material transportation risk assessment
Risk Aware's CyberAware capabilities provide advanced analytics for real-time threat response and cyber attack mitigation planning. Developed in partnership with Dstl, this cyber tool can be used to harden networks and improve cyber resilience.
Cyber attack prediction and mitigation
Optimised patch management
Mission and business impact assessment
Cybersecurity platform integration.
SpaceAware is a unique multi-tier decision support tool that offers robust actionable intelligence through satellite risk modelling for government, defence and civil organisations. Based on tested and validated capabilities, SpaceAware allows users to visualise the downstream impacts of satellite effects to inform their operational and strategic planning.
Potential event simulation
Impact assessment and mitigation
Risk profiling and threat analysis
Compromised asset probability evaluation
Incident Modelling Credentials
Riskaware has over 20 years’ experience developing situational awareness tools for tailored incident decision support, working closely with their clients and partners on projects to deliver tailored capabilities and expand their solutions.